Crank Rocker Mechanism on Journal Bearing 滑动轴承上的曲柄摇杆机构
This paper describes the distribution of surface hardened layer and analyses of the residual stress in the nodular graphite cast iron crank shaft with its Journal and arm corner hardened simultaneously by high frequency induction heating. 本文叙述了对球墨铸铁曲轴轴颈与园角部位同时高频淬火后获得的硬化层分布,以及硬化层中残余应力分析。
It can measure the oil film thickness, oil temperature, crank angle, speed, journal center locus and minimum oil film thickness of main bearing in diesel engine. 该系统可测量内燃机主轴承的油膜厚度、油膜温度、曲轴转角、转速、轴心轨迹和最小油膜厚度。
Study on the Tribological Behavior of Bushing-Crank Journal Rubbing Pair of Engine 内燃机轴瓦-曲轴轴颈摩擦副摩擦学性能研究
Residual Stress Analysis of the Nodular Graphite Cast Iron Crank& shaft with its Journal and Arm Corner Hardened Simultaneously by High Frequency Induction Heating 球铁曲轴轴颈与园角部位同时高频淬火时残余应力的分析
The crankshaft machining complex lathe turned the crank arm journal with the way of servo turning methods. 曲轴加工复合车床通过随动车削的方式对曲轴连杆轴颈进行加工。
The fillets of crank pin and main journal have a relatively weak strength. In establishing the grid model for crankshaft, these fillets need to be refined. 曲柄销与主轴颈的圆角为强度较薄弱部位,在建立曲轴网格模型时,需要对这些圆角处进行细化。